Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Coaching questions

Copies of coaching questions can be found at the links below
and here
if you would like another copy

Coaching Essay

Thank you for attending the session today, I know it is difficult to be enthusiastic at this time of year when we are all exhausted, but I really appreciated your feedback.  Many people expressed an interest in doing more coaching but in a less forced and formalised setting, which is definitely the best way forward.  More on this later.
I have uploaded Elaine Davis coaching essay which gives a really interesting account of her experience of coaching and what she learnt about how to coach successfully. Click on the link below to find out more
Thanks Elaine, much appreciated

Monday, 26 September 2011

Coaching links

Dear staff
Thank you for attending the coaching session and for giving me so much useful and positive feedback.  There will be two more sessions this year, the second in November.  We are also going to be embedding coaching into our practice through TLCs, with time during each TLC for coaching, developing coaching skills and coaching relationships. 
There were many requests for more information following the session last week; I am therefore putting a few links here.  The intention is that those interested can explore this further and add more links, information,  comments and questions themselves. Here are a few links to get you started.

Research document summarising impact of coaching in six case study schools

Link to a Teachers TV programme about coaching, now streamed through another site – there are three good ones on the same site

Website for CUREE, Centre for Use of Research and Evidence in Education, good starting point for further study

Hope you find these useful and I look forward to hearing your comments and questions
Claire Hamnett